The story of U.S. Women in Fire Protection is nearly as old as the nation itself. As far back as 1818, women such as Molly Williams and Marina Betts achieved legendary status among firefighters by pulling pumpers and carrying water buckets, all while wearing skirts! Over a century later, the first female Fire Chiefs such as Rosemary Roberts Cloud emerged, sparking harassment but also praise. Other women blazed trails in the 1970s and 80s, allowing more women to enter fire protection services and not just in fire fighting.
Today, many women are choosing to protect their communities in the fire protection industry at Marmic. They are helping the company build a best-in-class fire safety management system focused on the customer experience, and they’re doing it in the field and in the office. We are so proud to have these capable women on our team!
Celebrating International Women’s History Month – We say thank you to all the women at Marmic!