Fire Extinguishers

Fire Defense at Your Fingertips

Man pointing to a fire extinguisher as a young woman watches

Need a Fire Extinguishers Quote?

Portable fire extinguishers prevent fires and potential injuries. But using the wrong extinguisher can make a fire worse. We can help you learn the difference and how to use portables so you’ll be ready if and when the time comes.

Fire Extinguisher Services

We evaluate all fire extinguishers for corrosion, damage, and proper functionality. Below are the following services offered.

Fire Extinguisher Inspection & Service

Fire Protection Equipment

Fire Extinguishers (Portable)

See Inspection Information for All Fire Safety Devices.
When to InspectWhat to Inspect
Every yearFire Extinguishers corrode and take damage over time and require yearly inspection which is very quick and easy. If inspection is done on site, technicians will also note problems such as blocked access to fire extinguishers.
6-maintenance is required every 6th year or when damage is suspected (Inspection included)6-Year Maintenance requires discharging the tank and refilling it.
Hydrostatic Testing required every 12th year or when damage is suspected. (Inspection included)12-Year Hydrostatic Testing requires discharging the tank and submerging it in water to test its integrity.  It will be refilled if it passes the test and scrapped if it does not.  You’ll need to purchase a new fire extinguisher if it is scrapped.
2.5, 5, 10, 20 lb. Water, ABC Dry Chemical, K Class, CO2, Clean Agent Wet Chemical.

Fire Guide

Determining fire class and fuel type is essential to suppression and fire-prevention. Certain extinguishers suppress different types. Learn the correct classes to avoid a dangerous reaction.

Fire ClassFuel Type
ACarbon combustibles like wood, paper, cloth, etc.
BFlammable liquids and gases like gasoline, propane, solvents
CEnergized equipment like transofrmers, computers, heaters, etc.
DMetal and metal alloy combustibles
KCooking oils and fats

Fire Training Video

Watch this fire training video to learn how to react accordingly during a fire emergency.

Top Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers

Ansul Logo
Buckeye Fire Equipment
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Amerex logo
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Get a Quote

When safety and security are needed, there’s no time to waste. Contact us today to get a free quote.